Songs you NEVER heard, by Artists you NEVER knew existed.... BUT, Damn well deserve to be heard and Tomorrow you're gonna go look for them!!

IMPORTANT NOTICE!! APP Users!!  The HUGS App has been set up with a Second Stream Link.  We have been taking on a large number of Hits and Misses at the Main Server.  So, if the feed isn't working on the Main Link..  Use Stream 2  !!  Thanks

While You Are There.. Sign The Guest Book!!

Cyrus Gray, Founder & CEO of HUGS, HUGS 24/7 RADIO

Hey Gang...

The HUGS machine is already gearing up for the next step...!!  I can tell you that HUGS has already etched October 25th & 26th of 2024 for the HUGS AWARDS Concert and Banquette, to be held in Uniontown, PA  The information pertaining to the entire event is being processed and  attendee's packages are being put together.  We hope to finalized these packages in the coming month so all can attend.   Keep your eyes and ears open as this Red Carpet Event will be one that you won't want to miss..

We'll keep you updated as the event progress!!  
The VOWAVE Site is catching on Gang!!  And with that growth, the fan base for HUGS grows with it.  There is power in numbers !!!  THINK ABOUT IT !!!  Sending people to the VOWAVE site will help the HUGS ARTISTS and if each one of you HUGS Supporters do your part…  You'll be helping yourself, while helping those who are part of this wheel!!

Calamity Jay Does It AGAIN!!!  The Number One Track 
In The HUGS TOP 200 Unsigned Artist Music Chart!!

The HUGS AWARDS and CONCERT in Motion!!

What's Playing NOW


As of June 10th, 2024 - 181 Countries !!

Notes from the HUGS BUNKER and The International HUGS COMPLEX in Connellsville, PA.

Tell Us What You Think About it??  

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More than a 'hug'